our approach
transforming the sentiment around parental leave as a "career downer" to a "career booster" requires the active collaboration of parents and companies, fostering a supportive environment for work-life integration and parental well-being.
for companies
we support companies to improve their parental leave approach for a more parent friendly culture

for parents
we convert parenting
skills into business skills

rethink parental leave
for parental leavers
we offer two app based programmes for parental leavers.
We support ALL employees during parental leave for a smooth return to the career track. For parents with leadership responsibilities or ambitions we offer a 1:1 leadership programme
with specialized coaches.
modular TARGETED support
Coaching Package – Essential
•3 tailored 1:1 coaching sessions
•Quickly enhances skills for balancing career and family
Coaching Package – Advanced
•6 tailored 1:1 coaching sessions
•Supports continuous integration of professional and family life
Ideal for companies that want to provide targeted support to individuals, even on a smaller scale, e.g. for a smooth return.
#family career balance
#return to work
for ALL parental leavers
•MyCollective internal company group
•12 week app based programme
•Weekly live online trainings & impulses
•7 x e-learnings
•6 x live peer group coachings in small groups
•Evergreen alumni membership, incl. alumni peer group coachings
Ideal for companies, who want to foster family integration within culture and help parents to settle in smoothly after parental leave.
#culture change #employer branding
for selected TOP TALENTS, leaders & leaders to be
​All community programme elements
+ Individual guidance of community manager and coach
+ 3 x individual coaching sessions during parental leave
+ 3 x individual coaching sessions post parental leave
+ Reactivation of basic programme with renewed parental leave
Ideal for companies, who want to retain top talents and to motivate parental leavers with leadership roles to make the next career step.
#toptalent retention
#new role models
all in one app

rethink parental leave
for companies
we support companies to stay in contact with parents
and enable a smooth reentry for parental leavers. Together with your leaders and HR we work on strategies to change the narrative of parental leave across your entire company.
improving parental leave processes

company journey