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PersonalMagazin: Das Leck in der Talentpipeline Stopfen

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

This year, @MyCollective was featured in this special edition of @PersonalMagazin centred around #NewWork and #Agility. This issue looks at what these concepts look like in practice, and what agile leadership means.

It’s particularly relevant to those of us who are trying to juggle parenthood and careers. As this issue notes, the gender pay gap in Germany is still at 18% - and among over-40-year-olds, it’s even higher, at 20%. If we continue to progress at the same pace, it would take 132 years to reach gender equality in the workplace. 49.6% of women work part-time – only 11.9% of men do. And although just over 50% of university graduates are female, by the time you get to the executive level of company management, only 14.9% are women.

This profile of MyCollective’s work outlines

👩🏼‍💻 How we plug the “leaky pipeline” and stop female leadership talents from falling off the career ladder as a result of parenthood;

👭 How we work with companies to keep their talents engaged and connected during their parental leave, without adding to the workload of being a new parent 🍼

💪 How we create real world role models through our network of parental leavers and new parents who are already back at work;

👨‍👧‍👦 AND how we are looking to fathers too- working with them to create more agility in their careers so that they can make the most of their time as parents – and creating important role models for new fathers looking at the possibility of parental leave.

You can read the full article below, but the whole magazine is excellent - you can buy it here -

How has New Work / flexible work / agility shaped your career? Let us know!

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