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#10 Financial Spring Clean - Using Investments to Make a Difference With Katja Ruhnke

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

🎧Listen & follow to our new podcast with Katja Ruhnke here and get inspired!

In the final episode of our #FinancialSpringClean we talk about #ImpactInvestment with Katja Ruhnke, who runs CK Venture Capital. Katja’s portfolio specifically represents impact startups, and she says that this kind of #investing won't just affect your #finances, but also your career - while making a positive impact on the world that we live in.

"You learn about #EntrepreneurialSkills, because you work with founders at a very early stage,” she says. "And that’s what for me is so interesting. You learn so much outside of your box, outside of your comfort zone. It gives you new ideas and innovation.”

She’s big on #GenderBalance too, focusing on female-led startups to help counter the fact that only 16% of business founders in Germany are women. "Men invest in men,” she says. "So we need women to invest in women."

If you want in, you don’t need to invest huge amounts to become a #BusinessAngel. Her recently published book, Female Money, explains that you can start small and that you can contribute more than just money to the businesses that you invest in: they will value your know-how and experience too.


Speaker: Katja Ruhnke, Co-Founder & CEO CK Ventures.

Interviewer: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier - Founder @MyCollective

Music: sponsored by @Michaelkadelbach

Picture: Katja Ruhnke

Graphic & Production: MyCollective

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