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You Can Take Care of Your Baby and Your Career!


The purpose of parental leave is to care for your baby, but that doesn’t mean you can’t also care about your career. It’s not a zero-sum game!

To show how this works, Kathrin Werner from Sueddeutsche Zeitung spoke with Julia Kossmann from Beiersdorf.

Julia is one of our participants at MyCollective. When I first met Julia, I was impressed by how clear she was about her goals - as a mother and as a manager. She maintained that focus throughout her time in our program. Now, as she has returned to her job, she has become a role model within her company and beyond.

For us at MyCollective, that is exactly what success looks like and, I believe, it is culture change in real-time. #changemaker for diversity

👉 Article in SZ:

This post has also been published on LinkedIn.

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